
General News

Adjusted Covid Restrictions

June 2021

The National Horseracing Authority confirms that following President Ramaphosa’s address to the Nation on Sunday night and the effected change to Adjusted Level 4, it has deemed it appropriate to institute the following measures to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus and to protect the horseracing industry and its participants.

Jockey travel will be restricted and every rider will be required to be domiciled in the Racing District where he/she elects to ride in, on or after Sunday, 4 July 2021. Once a Rider has ridden in a race in a District on or after this date, he/she will not be permitted to ride in another District until further notice, this includes work riding as well.

Racing will return to the original “Racing Behind closed doors” protocols which will prevent any person, other than those that are in receipt of Essential Permits to attend race meetings.

Effectively this means that Owners and their guests will not be permitted on course during race meetings.

The situation will be carefully considered on Sunday, 11 July 2021 to establish if there has been any positive changes that may permit any relaxations to these protocols.

 The National Horseracing Authority urges all stakeholders to ensure that the non-pharmaceutical measures of social distancing, frequent washing of hands and the mandatory wearing of clean masks be strictly adhered to. This “ tsunami” third wave is extremely infectious and the continuation of racing is highly dependent on each and every individual playing their part.

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